31 March 2009

Measuring stick

Hebrews 13:8 8 "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever"

I was thinking about how measurements change and about how the value of measurements change.

For example, in the Bible the cubit was a length of measurement (someone told me that it roughly equals the length from your elbow to your finger tips). This wasn't a really standardized measurement. Everyone's arms are different! Then, we can talk about pounds (libras) from the Romans. They used scales to weigh items equivalent to a pound.The weights used could vary greatly. Then, with the metric system, the meter was created. It was originally set to be a certain fraction of the distance between the equator and the North Pole. There was even a metal rod of exact meter length made to serve as a model and kept in Paris. But, most meter sticks aren't that exact.

Aesthetically, we have measurements, too, but those change even more drastically. We can see it over our own lifetimes. Hairstyles from 20 years ago are laughable now. We don't wear girdles much anymore, instead we have Spanx and liposuction to give us a lift.

How am I going to measure up, then? If I work hard to fit in with the trends now, by the time I make it, the trend will be passé.

My identity cannot, must not be in the things of this world, the things that change. I must use a standard of measurement that NEVER CHANGES. It is only the Lord who never changes. He wants to change us, though, to conform more and more into the likeness of His Son.

Praise the Lord that we have a real standard - more precise than atomic measurements and more everlasting than shoulder pads!

In Him I put my trust, my hope and in Him I find my identity.

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