06 April 2009

Feelings are not Truth

Below I've copied some of what I wrote in a recent email. I can't learn this enough: Feelings are not truth.

In my hospital we often see patients who "feel fine" once they get a pain pill. They might feel ok, but their underlying condition hasn't changed and they still need their foot amputated because diabetes has killed their leg circulation (true story, sadly many times over).

In the same way, if I let the scale, or my weight, be my idol it will control my emotions. For example, about a month ago I did my weekly weigh-in and I had gained half a pound. That threw me into a bad mood all day. Then, last week. I lost two pounds. I was joyous. Ridiculous, right? I mean, praise God for freeing me up from gluttony one-meal-at-a-time, but to let my mood be set does not glorify or even recognize the Lord.

So, here's what I wrote in my email. I hope it spoke to the recipient as much as it did to me.

I think it's good for you to vent your emotions. That's ok. Now that you've expressed your feelings: What are you going to do about this situation?
You have to make a decision about how you are going to handle your relationships. If people aren't going to change (which they may not) how are you going to deal with their behavior?

You have many choices (these are just a few that I've thought up):
1. you can just be mad/bitter/depressed towards them (yes, that IS a choice)
2. you can ignore them/not deal with them
3. you can blame them for not behaving in the way that you want/expect them to behave
4. you can accept that God has put you in this situation for some reason, knowing that He wants to teach you something through it (like maybe trusting Him for your feelings/worth/identity)

I want you to know that God is the only One who does NOT disappoint. Others have, do and will continue to disappoint you. YOU have, do, and will continue to disappoint yourself.

I'm wondering if God is putting you through these very trying times so that you can finally learn to trust Him. I'm not speaking as a person who has "already arrived". Please don't think I'm talking down to you. I go through the same stuff. I wonder if maybe He's tried to teach you before and you haven't learned, so He's making the lesson so much more obvious (read: difficult) now.

Feelings can be valid, but they are just reactions to circumstances. They aren't God's Truth. God's Truth is what it is regardless of how you feel about it. God made us humans to have feelings and emotions. They aren't bad things, they just aren't Him.

1 comment:

Mel- said...

SOOOO True! I've been battling this myself this weekend with some major issues at work - feeling defeated, depressed, totally stressed. And here's what God showed me about it (from my blog):

I realized though, as I was listening to Elyse Fitzpatrick, that I was also believing the lies of Satan. I was approaching my dread about tomorrow with thoughts like "I can't do this" "Tomorrow is going to be awful" "Maybe I should drive myself tomorrow (I normally carpool) so that I can leave when I need to"

I was allowing the lies of Satan to defeat me before I even got to the door.

And as soon as I realized that, I started taking my thoughts captive, and my perspective started to change with my thoughts. I started (have not completed - only started) turning from defeat and remembering that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. That God will supply all of my needs according to his riches in Christ Jesus. That if God is for me, who can be against me?

I'm still fragile. I'm still on the verge of tears. I'm still exhausted. I still don't think I can go back on my own strength. But the beauty of it is that I don't have to.

One of our choices is to replace those feelings with the Truth from God's Word - just like you said!