29 April 2009

Ephesians and Nee's Walk

I am getting so much out of this Ephesians study suplemented by Nee.

The second chapter in this tiny book is Walk. After we know our identity in Christ, that we are seated with Him in the heavenlies, only then are we able to participate in the Christian walk. I want to quote half of this book, but you'll just have to read it for yourself.

Nee says, "Sitting describes our position with Christ in te heavenlies. Walking is the practical outworking of that heavenly position here on earth." We are perfected in Jesus. God no longer judges our walk based on our own idea of right and wrong, rather He judges us on the grace that He lavished on us in Christ.

I was thinking about this in terms of eating and gluttony. It's not an issue of me obeying man-made dietary guidelines. It's not about following a law like: eat 5 servings of veggies a day, only omega-3 proteins, no gluten, no high-fructose corn syrup, a multi-vitamin, an hour of exercise and 4 liters of water a day. those things may be good, God may want them for me, but my walk must be in obedience to God only. It's not even about what health magazines or doctors say. The Lord is the great physician. He made my body, created my DNA, so I need to go to Him first. And that is exactly what He designed me to do.

He has given me/us everything needed for life and godliness (1 Peter 1:3) and eating (that's part of life, right?). Nee says, "God has given us Christ. There is nothing now for us to receive outside of him. The Holy spirit has been sent to produce what is of Christ in us; not to produce anything that is apart from or outside of him." Duh, right? And yet this statement is so profound to me. Christ is the answer to EVERY question. It's not "Christ + 1" or "Christ + anything else". I'm sitting around like I'm waiting for Him to send me something else. What? I don't know? Greater will power, more desire, more fervor, I guess. But I already have everything that I need to live the life He has called me to. Including a life free from the bondage of gluttony and counting calories.

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