22 April 2009

Ephesians 1 and Nee

I decided to take an inductive approach to my study of Ephesians accompanied by Nee's Sit, Wlk, Stand. My friend, Jenny, taught me this approach last summer when we studied 1 and 2 Peter. You start out by reading through the text a number of times, in its entirety, to get context, and then write an overview outline. The next step is a study of the historical/geographical/social/etc. background of the text in question. I'm on the third step which is to take each section (I am breaking Ephesians up by chapter) and outline it, write a summary and personal application for the text. I get a lot out of this type of study (I just don't always put for the time, but it's so worth it!).

Nee's emphasis is that Ephesians 1-3 focus on our identity in Christ - that we are "seated" with Him and that this is a work that the Father has already done (we only receive it as a gracious gift). I agree: Paul puts a huge emphasis in this letter on the believers' identity in Christ. In chapter one alone Paul refers to us being "in Him" or "in Christ" nine times. God's grace is mentioned three times and His glory as the reason/purpose/mptove for His goodness towards us is mentioned three times.

Paul also emphasizes the fact that God planned His redemptive work before the foundation of the world. It wasn't a fluke and it's not because something went wrong and He had to scramble to find a way to fix it. I also like verses 11 and 12 which explain that we have a heavenly inheritance with a purpose. You know, someone's Grampa Joe dies and leaves his family with a bunch of money. What do they do with it? There are often no instructions left. God, however, has given believers a purposeful inheritance - to be the praise of His glory. I still can't quite wrap my head around that phrase, but it helps me to know that He creates purpose in everything.

Ephesians is a very empowering epistle - I think a believer who really studies it will be well-prepared for the Christian life.

On another note... I just started working the night shift at the hospital. I like the environment, I just don't like how it messes with my sleep schedule. Also, I think it will draw/push me toward God to direct my eating. When I don't sleep I have a harder time knowing when I'm hungry and whether to eat. Lord, lead me! save me from myself!

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