19 March 2009

Thursdays are going to kick my butt

At work we've been having a hard time getting shifts covered - no layoffs (we're a hospital and our night shift employees have been unavailable). So, on Thursdays I now work 2nd sift - from 3pm to 11pm. In some ways it's really nice. I just show up to work and do my job. My problem is that when I'm home during the day I have a huge temptation to eat.

Additionally, my husband asked me to pick up a few things at Costco. For me, it's a dangerous place. They have large quantities of yummy-looking food. Besides, I go so rarely that I don't know my way around the store and I wind up passing through ALL of the aisles, so I get to see all of the food. It set me off. When I got home I binged and had a double-lunch (none of it being that nutritious).

I knew that the binge was coming on. I said to myself, "Leave the house. Go to the YMCA. Read your Bible." I listened to none of it. I need to pray to be on guard for those kinds of temptations and to have remedies ready to deliver me at that moment (even taking a short walk would have helped immensely).

I need to pray and study so that I'm ready for next Thursday. Maybe I'll schedule myself to not be at home. The moment you think you've arrived...

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