07 August 2009

"Sometimes I wake up grumpy; sometimes I let her sleep"

I'm pretty sure that this post's title is exactly what my husband was saying to himself this morning.

Man, have I been grumpy lately! I wonder why. Is there something new going on? Or is it that I'm always grumpy, but I've only become aware of it lately because of what the Lord is teaching me? Or could it be that Satan is doing his best to get me off track? May it's all three (yikes!).

The good thing is that I'm very aware of it. This means that I don't react so quickly and I can make to choice to react or not. For example, this morning my husband pointed out a problem with the shirt I had on and I needed to change. I had a little tantrum ("Oh I hate this," I said) and I told him I was grumpy. His answer: "Apparently". :) Fast forward about 90 minutes. I got to work and my coworker asked me to research a surgical procedure. I then had three people standing over my shoulder as I was searching. In my head I kept thinking "Back off! Give me some room! If you know everything why are you asking ME for help! I'm not even awake yet. Where's my coffee? Go away!" Thankfully, I was able to keep it all INSIDE my head. :)

Praise You, God, that I'm not so quick to react as I once was. Give me your love for other people. Continue to teach me that it's not about me getting my way. Thank you for loving me through this process!

On other notes:

My husband got a contract job that will provide income for about 3 months. YAY! This will help immensely with his student loans. Praise God! He has always taken care of me/us. Even when it gets tight, He provides just enough.

It's been hard to reign in my eating this week. I've been choosing foods that are 'pleasers' but not 'whole body pleasers'. I need to be more prayerful about my choices.

I'm also finding that I need more exercise than I've been getting. My job has been so sedentary in the last couple of weeks that I crave exercise when I get off of work. On Wednesday we had dinner with a friend. Because I didn't exercise that day my back and my backside were sore and tired from sitting all day and evening.

When I started studying gluttony and loosing weight in January I decided that I would limit the amount of exercise that I was doing. About 3.5 years ago I lost a good 20 pounds by working out, but I did it excessively 10-15 hours per week. I don't want to be that person again. However, I think the 3-4 hours per week that I'm doing now isn't sufficient, especially given the fact that my job is more sedentary than before. I'm going to cautiously increase my exercise time, asking my husband to help rein me in. I'm so looking forward to October when I can get outside again. It's too hot now to go biking or jogging :(

1 comment:

Mel- said...

There are days I think about hanging a warning sign on my cubicle "Approach at your own risk!" I know of which you speak, but being aware helps because at some point you can actually laugh at yourself for being so darn grumpy.

And then start taking the grumpy thoughts captive and turn them into Praise! (Yeah, I know, that's not always easy....)