06 August 2009

My Deliverer

This morning on KLOVE they played Mandissa's song "My Deliverer". I really enjoy this song, especially the line saying "My Deliverer, who rescued me from all that held me captive."

What does "all" mean? Everything. Not nothing! Not even lacking anything. ¡Todo!

It made me think of two things.
  1. What else am I still in bondage to? What else needs to be dealt with so I can say that He has, in fact, rescued me from EVERYTHING?
  2. What does the Bible say about the Lord being my deliverer?

Let's see!

I know one thing that hinders me is my lack of love for others. I am also hindered by my sense of self-entitlement, that I deserve things and that I should always get my way. I am hindered by fear of feelings - I'd rather be entertained and jovial than deal with real life or emotions. I tend to see in Bible study how things can apply really well to to others (that is, "Hey, if so-and-so knew this, she'd really be better off.") rather than taking it to heart and seeing how the Lord wants to use it to change ME.

Please, Lord, deliver me from this flesh! In the meantime, help me to focus on You so that You can work in me as You deem necessary.

Now to the verses:

2 Samuel 22:2 He said: "The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer;"

Both Psalm 40:17 and 70:5 essentially say the same thing: "Yet I am poor and needy; come quickly to me, O God. You are my help and my deliverer; O LORD, do not delay."

Nehemiah 9:27 So you handed them over to their enemies, who oppressed them. But when they were oppressed they cried out to you. From heaven you heard them, and in your great compassion you gave them deliverers, who rescued them from the hand of their enemies.

I especially like this last one because I feel that this is how the Lord has dealt with me, as well. I wanted what I wanted and He let me have it. Then, when I realized that it caused me difficulty, He compassionately provided deliverance for me. That is one amazing and awesome God!

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