09 June 2009

Stepping Up homework week one

In the ladies' Bible study that I attend on Monday nights when we do Beth Moore studies we spend twice the amount of weeks that she writes. For example, in the Stepping Up series, which is 6 weeks long, we'll spend about 12 weeks. This is because in one week we'll watch the video, then we'll spend the next week doing the homework and we'll go over the homework as a group on the following Monday. So, last night we went over our homework for the first week, including Psalms 120 and 121.

The Stepping Up series is about pilgrimage with God and toward God. I thinks it's so apropos for this time in my life including the TW study. I wanted to include some of Beth's quotes from just the first week of study that I think resonate with the TW study.

"This study is about going from here to there."

"[We] are going to learn to worship God with out whole hearts - whatever their present conditions -as we pick up our weary, blistered feet and take the next step with God."

"Sometimes the best motivation we'll ever have for going someplace new is distress over someplace old...Could you characterize your present season as distressing in any way? If so, have you called to the Lord and told Him all about it? He certainly already knows, but God's first priority is relationship, not just emergency response."

"We will never go anywhere God has abandoned precisely because He will never abandon us."

"I don't sit over [my grandson] impatiently and wish he were suddenly grown. I celebrate every step he takes. Why do we think our Heavenly father, who designed our bodies, souls and spirits to operate just as they do, would be any different?...I am convinced God thoroughly relishes every hint of maturity even if we feel as if we're not making progress."

These words are encouraging! To me, at least :)

1 comment:

Autumnseer said...

"I am convinced God thoroughly relishes every hint of maturity even if we feel as if we're not making progress." I love that!