18 January 2010


I have come to realize that the biggest sin problem that I am dealing with in regards to food is greed.

Over the last year I have learned so much about food idolization, about how I use food to comfort me and entertain me, about how I replace God with food. I won't say that I've "arrived" in these areas, but I do sense that I've made heaps of progress. I now see that my real sin-rival in gluttony is greed.
Greed for just one more cookie.
Greed for the last piece of pumpkin cheesecake because I won't make it again until next year.
Greed for a dish that I love and I want it all!

I posted on the Thin Within forums that I was looking for resources about greed, and in particular greed and gluttony. I've been trying to go through my Bible looking a greed related verses, but so many seem to deal with money and material possessions. I know that greed is greed, regardless of the coveted object, it's just that I'm having a hard time understanding how those verses mesh with gluttony.
In the forums I was recommended to listen to a talk on gluttony and greed hosted by Mars Hill Church. I have heard it before, it's quite good and I think I posted it previously in another blog entry some moths ago.

So, I'm still looking. A year ago I searched and searched until God lead me to resources on gluttony. I'm certain that He will guide me to the right resources for greed as well.

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