12 January 2010

Anna: the faithful witness

In my ladies' Bible study we're working our way through John MacArthur's "Twelve Extraordinary Women". Some have made a bigger impression on me than others (I think it's those that I haven't really studied before). I really enjoyed the chapter on Hannah (from 1 Samuel). I am also really getting so much out of the Anna section (chapter 7). Here are a few sections that speak to me:

"When she spoke, it was about the Word of God. She had evidently spent a lifetime hiding God's Word in her heart. Naturally, that was the substance of what she usually had to say." p. 134

What a wonderful example! She had the Lord's treasure stored up and out of that flowed glory to God. In church on Sunday my class leaders (in their 80s) spoke of how "getting old ain't for sissies". They said it's harder to think right and study the Word (I think due to fatigue and memory problems), however someone else noted that whatever is memorized and stored away from God's Word can be recalled and meditated on at any point in life. This is a good lesson for me to spend more time memorizing Scripture.

"Luke adds that she 'served God with fastings and prayers night and day' (Luke 2:37 NKJV)... The manner of her praying, accompanied by fasting, speaks of her self-denial and sincerity. Fasting by itself is not a particularly useful exercise. Abstaining from food per se has no mystical effect on anything spiritual. But fasting with prayer reveals a heart so consumed with praying, and so eager to receive the blessing being sought, that the person simply has no interest in eating. That is when fasting has real value." p.136, 137

This gives me a helpful insight into fasting. I have taken a few opportunities to fast in the past, but at this stage in my life I *fear* turning the experience into a diet. I will meditate on this section and look into biblical fasting. Maybe this is an exercise that God wants to carry me through.

"Anna's amazing faith stemmed from the fact that she believed all the promises that filled the Old Testament. She took the Word of God seriously... She truly loved her God. She understood His heart and mind. She genuinely believed His Word." p. 138

How beautiful! I want to truly believe and love God. Lord, may it be so! May I desire You more than anything else!

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