30 September 2009

So, is it sin?

The first time we see Satan (the serpent) act in the Bible he tries to get Eve to question whether her desired action is really sin. God had told Eve and her husband not to eat the fruit of a certain tree. Satan questioned Eve to see if she really believed God's command to be true. Volumes and volumes of text have been written about what Adam and Eve's sin. I usually hear that their sin was lack of obedience, lack of submission or pride. I think a precursor to all of that is lack of belief.

We act on our beliefs. Belief causes behavior. In Thin Within (both the text and workbook #1) I read that my belief is going to influence my actions. We read about the eagle in the chicken yard - believing that he was a chicken and acted as such.

As a follower of Christ, I have to believe that something is a sin before I choose to stop doing it. Unless I'm convinced that it is sinful I plan on continuing in my past/current behavior.

This is where I get stuck. For so many years I never saw overeating as a sin. I never believed God's Word about gluttony so I indulged in the sin. Maybe it was fun at times, but in the long run it only hurt me.

A friend in my Sunday school class this weekend told us this quote:

Sin keeps you longer than you intended stay,
it takes you further than you wanted to go,
and cost you more than you wanted to pay
Erwin Lutzer
The truth is, even now, I continue to over-eat, focus on how fat I am, lust after a smaller size and become jealous of those who lose weight more quickly. I still have yet to believe that what God is telling me is Truth (with a capital T).
Lord, help my unbelief!

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