25 September 2009

Thin Within meeting #2

I apparently didn't understand the set-up for my TW meetings, so I'm a week behind.

When we agreed to meet every other week I thought that it meant we would do one week of homework over 2 weeks of calendar time. Oops! I guess we're doing the homework daily, but only meeting every two weeks. so, I should be starting week 4, but I still have week 3 to work on. I'll have to play catch-up!

I'm most excited that God has opened my mind up to memorizing Scripture. When I was a teenager I memorized all kinds of things, but I've let that skill lag in recent years. I do have the first 3 verses down. Yay!

Week 2 in TW workbook 1 focuses on God's goodness and that fact that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit. Each day we work through exercises and Bible verses that emphasize these truths.

I think I'm doing pretty well with the topic of God's goodness and I see how important it is to reinforce this truth at an early stage in the process. If I don't believe that God is good, then I won't trust Him to change me for the better.

I still tend to view my body as my own (and, therefore, choose to do whatever I want with it), so I'm thankful for the emphasis on my body being God's temple, bought by Him to give Him glory.

There are three parts to the workbook: the workbook itself, a daily "journal" and a sheet of cards with the Bible verses to facilitate memorization. In the journal during the first two weeks there is a section to write out the memory verse, and a section to write about what God is showing me. Beginning in the third week there is space for a food journal - writing down my hunger number before I began eating, what I ate, my number afterwards and how I felt while eating. I am cautiously and prayerfully participating in the food journal. I have only done food journaling in the past to count calories and I am concerned that I will become obsessive about it and choose not to eat a times so I don't feel guilty for writing it down. It's crazy! I know it can be a helpful tool as long as I let God lead. Otherwise, I'm throwing it out the window.

Memory verse for week 3: Galatians 2.20 (written TW style)
I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body I live by faith in the son of God who loved me and gave Himself for me.


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