11 September 2009

first Thin Within meeting!

Last night I had my first get-together with a local gal who is also going through the Thin Within workbook #1!

I'm super excited about it. She is the first person that I've ever met face-to-face who knows the TW book, program and The Lord's Table. Also, she's a believer (I started by typing "of course", but really there's no assuming anything). It was so great because we can use the lingo and know exactly what we're talking about.

I'm glad to have someone to go through it with so I can have some accountability. I think I talked her head off, though - poor lady! :)

I especially like the importance that the workbook puts on Scripture memorization. I even memorized the first one! I used to try to memorize a lot, but I've become lazy and complacent in that discipline over the years. I'm glad I have a motivation to try again.

Today my husband and I prepped dinner for a foreign student Bible study at ASU. I don't get to attend with him because I have to work :( I made some Cuban food, I hope they enjoy it. In the process, however, I sliced up my thumb pretty terribly. Not bad enough to warrant stitches, but it hurts and I should get a tetanus shot...lock jaw will do me no good!

1 comment:

Autumnseer said...

I look forward to hearing about things as you and your new friend go through the workbook.