03 February 2010

Yesterday I listened to a sermon that I missed from a few weeks ago at church. The topic was lordship. Honestly, I was at my desk working as I listened to the download so I didn't really focus on all of it. That said, there is one quote that caught my attention:

"The purest form of hate is indifference"

Apathy. Ouch, that smarts, but I know it to be so true. When I know there is sin in my life and I don't deal with it I am apathetic to the command of my Lord. When I hear that there is a need in my community and I don't step up as God leads I am indifferent to His love.

So, am I indifferent, apathetic, tolerant or accepting of greed? Last night I was and my tummy is paying for it now :p

I hate seeing greed in others. Why do I consider myself an exception? Why do I accept it in my life? Maybe it's because it has been a constant companion thus far and it's hard to shake.

Lord, you have given me so many examples of generosity - from family, from friends and from strangers. It is beautiful and humbling. I want to have that same spirit and ability and DESIRE to give freely, holding nothing back. Help me to see the gifts that you give me as tools to be generous to others. Help me to choose, moment by moment, not to be greedy with food. I am so tired of the drive to eat when no one else is around so I can have it all for myself. Lord, my thinking is pitiful. Change my mind, renew it, Lord, as I focus on you, your generosity and example for my life. Thank you. Amen.

***I saw in the thinwith forums today a member's tagline that read Nehemiah 8:10

Nehemiah said, "Go and enjoy good food and sweet drinks. Send some to people who have none, because today is a holy day to the Lord. Don't be sad, because the joy of the Lord will make you strong." (New Century Version)

How beautiful! Enjoy good and drink. SHARE. Don't be greedy or gluttonous. Today can be holy to the Lord if I choose to make it that way. Joy from the Lord is my strength. Awesome!!

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