18 February 2010

Giving up

My journal/blog entry yesterday was about giving up (my)self because that is what Jesus taught His disciples in John 15:13. The idea has really rocked my world and it's made me think A LOT about what I'm willing to give up and what I need to give up.

I decided to give up something for Lent. I'm not from a church background that practices giving up luxuries for Lent, but it is something that I have chosen to do a few times in the past. I know that it doesn't have any bearing on my salvation (that was already bought and paid for by Jesus), but I find that it can have a positive effect on my relationship with the Lord (therefore, a step in the right direction of my sanctification - being transformed into Christ's likeness).

Once before I gave up sweets but I am NOT in a place where I could do that without diet mentality. So, I decided to give up TV. My husband and I have only the most basic of cable (because it comes with the Internet) which gives us just 20 channels. However, I still watch an obscene amount of TV. I get up and the news goes on. I come home and the news or some sit-com goes on. On the weekend I watch multiple hours of PBS cooking shows (I'm sure there's a boundary to be set there).

It's too much. Also, it facilitates mindless eating. I know that Thin Within advocates for mindful, no-distractions eating yet I usually choose not to practice it (it IS a choice I make, no pinning the blame elsewhere!).

So, yesterday was my first no TV day. I felt like I had a lot more time in the morning to get ready (go figure). Then, when I got home I was able to do some chores, sit and enjoy my dinner, talk with my husband without distractions and read a good book. Oh - and I also went to bed at a decent time so I wasn't dragging myself out of bed this morning. All that because I didn't watch TV.

For most of my time in college I didn't have a TV so I know how to live without it, but I so easily let myself get sucked in (again, a choice). I'm not being legalistic about it. My husband is free to watch (I won't deprive him of the Olympics). I just choose not to sit there. I think I'm going to get so much stuff done in the next six weeks! And, and, I'm looking forward to longer times of Bible study without distractions.

Now, there is nothing sinful about TV in and of itself (well, the machine itself or the idea of the programming; I'm not going to debate quality of the shows). There is also nothing godly about giving up watching TV in and of itself. The idea behind it is that I need to set some boundaries about my TV watching and it's healthy for me to fast from it for awhile. I just happened to chose to do it during Lent.

There is one part that I will have to really be intentional about ;)
My local YMCA has individual TV monitors with cable on the treadmills. I loved going on Saturday mornings and walking on the treadmill while watching the Food Network programs that I don't get at home.

Hmm... I might just have to step outside and walk in the beautiful 75 degree weather in Arizona. What a thought! :)

1 Peter 1:13-16 (NIV)
Therefore, prepare your minds for action; be self-controlled; set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed. As obedient children, do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance. But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: "Be holy, because I am holy."


Mel- said...

Wow - that's brave! I've frequently wondered why I pay for a TV when I watch so little of it, but I suspect if I added up the time I do watch, I'd be shocked! Can't quite get the courage to cancel it either.

I'm rooting for you!

Si se puede said...

Oh man, last night was hard! I came home after going to a step aerobics class and I was beat! My husband was at a meeting and didn't come home until late. All I wanted to do was veg in front of the TV! I didn't do it, though. I put on a CD and read a book. It was good and it shows me just how tethered I am to the tube!