05 May 2009

Freedom from addiction - loss of interest?

There's the saying "absence makes the heart grow fonder", but I'm finding that, as I turn away from past addictions and turn towards Christ, He creates in me a new heart and I lose the longings that I previously had.

For example, before I got married I had a pretty nice income and was able to spend 100% of it on myself. I spent a good amount on food. I like to go out to eat, fix gourmet meals, and buy coffee. I grew up in Seattle and I've been drinking espresso-based coffees since I was a teenager. Our hospital has a Starbuck's in the lobby and I used to spend a lot of money there. My reason for stopping that habit was mainly financial. When I got married my husband was a grad student and we both were living off of one income. At first, I often longed for a latte, but as I began changing my habits (drinking coffee I make at home) I stopped missing it. Now, it's something I get only once in awhile as a treat (I think I've had 3 in 2009).

As the Lord continues to direct my food choices I find that I am less and less interested in foods from the past (even the lattes aren't so amazing). For example, I used to LOVE boxed mac and cheese - the orangey-yellow powder mixed with butter, sigh. But now, I don not like it at all. It is no longer yummy. However, in moments of food-lust I desire boxed mac and cheese, fully knowing that I won't like eating it. I haven't bought it in a couple of years, but sometimes I want to. Why? It brings back emotional feelings of satisfaction and comforting.

I mentioned yesterday that the night shift has been a test for me. When I get off of work in the morning I have a huge desire to treat myself to some food as a "congratulations, you survived the night" reward. It has been a struggle to make good choice, but I think, for the most part, I have. This just shows me that I have tendencies from the past to want to reward myself with food. I have to remember that food is NOT a reward. It is fuel to do the Lord's work.

But there are a bunch of other foods, as well, that I used to crave, but now I don't. I think this is growth for me. The Lord is moving me away from the things that are less beneficial to those that are more beneficial. Additionally, I am listening to my body to give it what it needs. Last week I wanted salad all of the time. I think I had salad for breakfast and dinner for 3 days straight. I also craved caesar dressing, go figure. :)

Ephesians 5:15-18
Be very careful, then, how you live—not as unwise but as wise, making the most of every opportunity, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the Lord's will is. Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.

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