21 February 2009

Time to eat

For some years now I have been fully aware that I eat a lot when I'm bored or when there is food to be eaten (say, at a party). I'm also a person who keeps busy. Right now is a slower time of life for me (I only work 2 jobs and I'm done with school), but there are still days when I get quite busy. Because of this, for years I've eaten on the go - always trying to fit in a snack or a meal between activities or obligations. I think that's pretty normal for many Americans.

I've found now, in my effort towards conscious eating, that hunger and time to eat don't always coincide. I've know classmates and coworkers in the past who've said, "I just don't have time to eat," which I never understood. I mean, if you want to do something you'll make time for it, right? Now it seems to me that those people only ate when they were hungry and when they got hungry during a time when they weren't able to eat, they didn't.

For me this is a very profound thought.

So, now I'm trying to practice this. For example, last night I went to a dance class at the Y from 5:30-6:30. Before I left I told my husband that I'd fix dinner when I returned. When I got back I realized that I wasn't hungry. I told him so and he made his own dinner. I took a shower and putzed around for about another hour before I felt hungry. I had cereal.

It seems crazy to me because this will change my behavioral pattern. No longer eating when I 'should' but only eating when I'm really, actually hungry - I might save a lot of time with this plan!

Another thought I have is that since I'm trying to eat only when I'm hungry, that I may not have(and in fact haven't had) time to eat the moment I get hungry. A few times now I've had to wait for an appropriate time to eat. The Lord has been good humored, showing me that I'm not going to die if I don't eat right away. Also, sometime I get grumpy when I don't/can't eat when I want. God is showing me how I've used food to pacify my emotional feelings.

This food thing is more profound that I thought.

1 comment:

Mel- said...

Wow, this struck me as really profound too! (In fact, I just emailed your post to my TW Support group!). I have a big battle when I'm not quite hungry, but know that by the time I get hungry, I wont be in a place where I can eat. And I almost always lose that battle and "just have a bite so I don't get hungry at a bad time." But you really got me thinking - I'm not going to die if I get hungry at a bad time! I can just wait and eat later. I have to practice that!