20 February 2009

The Lady and the Cookie

Praise the Lord for His undeserved grace and mercy!

I love the Newsboys. One song that is often in my head says "When we don't get what we deserve, it's a real good thing. When we get get what we don't deserve, it's a real good thing." The Lord is the giver of all good things and I have done nothing to deserve them. I have a hard time with the word deserve. My mom will say, "Oh good, you've worked so hard. You deserve a vacation." I don't know that I deserve much of anything, and certainly nothing from God. That's why His grace amazes me - unmerited, undeserved favor.

This week He has been lavishing grace and mercy upon me. He has helped me not to eat when I'm not hungry. This is amazing because I pretty much always eat when I'm not hungry. Most of my life I've eaten because the food is "just there" or because I'm bored. At my work the catering staff produces my favorite sugar cookie in the world. On Wednesday I attened a meeting, just after I ate my lunch, where they served these sugar cookies (these are on our work's 'endangered species' list due to budget cuts) . I had no desire to eat one. I was satisfied from lunch. My supervisor thought I was crazy and asked if I was sick. :)

Praise the Lord that I didn't feel like I had to eat one just because it was there! I want to be a good steward of my resources and not waste food just because it's there.


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