02 September 2009

The Shack

I started reading "The Shack" this week on recommendation from a friend. I've heard mixed reviews, but most have been positive. I have to admit, up until now I mostly like it.

For sure, it is an analogy and any analogy of what/who/how God is will be imperfect. This book is being likened to "Pilgrim's Progress". I've met some people who like it (I loved it, but analogies work really well for me) and some people who don't. The things I like most about "The Shack" have less to do with the analogies and more to do with explanations.

I think the book does a really good job explaining good versus evil, light verses dark, and the importance of relationship with God and in the Body of believers.

I can see how a lot of people wouldn't like the book. It questions the reader's understanding of Who God is (big white bearded man in the sky?), the difference between religion and relationship and our role in the community of believers.

Again, I can't expect this book to be perfect, because it was written by a human, but I think it brings up many good points. An every time it talks about God's love it takes my breath away.

I'm not finished yet, but I've been zooming through it. I imagine I will finish it soon.


Maybe it's because I've been reading this book (it's causing me to think about and deal with some sin issues that are uncomfortable)... this week I have been so grumpy. And sad. I snapped at my husband last night, which I've really never done before (not bad for 15 months of marriage). I know that I have been needing to dive head-first into some truth, but I just haven't wanted to.

Instead, I've wanted to console myself with food (I think I snapped at my husband after he took the chips away from me) and anesthetize myself with TV and sleep (I went to bed at 8 pm last night).

The truth is: I've got to get over myself. I've got to focus on the Lord rather than on me. Only then will I be satisfied and only then will I be free.


Autumnseer said...

Yvonne, how does the TW workbook compare to the book? I'm thinking of getting it also since I missed the last half of TW on Heidi's site, but I should have a job this week, the dust should settle soon and I want to start back with something as I am miserable.

Thanks for all your insights and encouragement.


Si se puede said...

I like the workbook, but I'm also glad that I read the TW book. The workbook is formatted into 12 weeks - each week beginning with a short reading (5-6 pages) and then there is a Bible study for every day of the week (one workbook-sized page per day).

I like the workbook in that it makes me study the Bible (while I just read the verses provided to me in the TW book). a person can for sure go hat his/her own pace.

I'm glad I'm meeting with a study partner to go over it - some accountability will do me some good! I have my first meeting with her tomorrow!

Si se puede said...

One more thing -
You can get the entire first week of workbook materials for free as a sample.
Go to: www.thinwithin.org
In the upper right-hand corner click on "Products" and then "Sample Materials".

Autumnseer said...

Just printed out the first month's material. Thanks for the heads up.
