18 September 2009

Instant gratification or discipline?

I do a lot of deep thinking in the shower. How about you?

The other day I was thinking about having to give up certain things in my life if I wanted to add in other things. I threw myself a little pity party right there in the shower and thought that I don't want to give up my activities, my independence, my happiness...blah, blah, blah.

I realized that I'd be ok if those things were taken from me, but I for sure don't want to have to lay them down and walk away. You see, if they are taken from me, then I am the victim and I can shift the blame outwardly. If I choose to give something up I have no one to look to but myself if my choices make me unhappy. Man! I am like that all of the time. I am not very good at living out Romans 12.1:

Therefore I urge you, brethren, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship.

What I want is instant gratification ALL OF THE TIME, but I know fully that the blessing is not found in gratifying the flesh continually. Below is a link to a youtube video about kids, marshmallows and instant gratification:


God pointed me today to Hebrews 12. I have a serious need to do a deep study of verses 1-13. It's all about discipline in the Christian walk. The one thing that gets us through it is looking at Jesus, contemplating Him who is our perfect example and complete provider.

I'll work on this passage and post on it later.

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