31 July 2009

TW Day 20

I don't have too much planned for the weekend, so I'm hoping to sit down with a pen and some paper and really work through the forgiveness exercises from Thin Within Day 20 (and 19).

There's a lot of 'stuff' that I've left behind without dealing with it. Recently I've had a lot of present-time frustration and lack of forgiveness. Won't I be able to minister better if I "cast off that which hinders me" (Hebrews 12.1)? How many times have I read this verse never considering that my own lack of forgiveness was hindering me!

Lord, please do a new thing in me by helping me to release the burden of unforgiveness. I want to have the same kind of love for people that You have. Fill me with Your love so I can minister to others! Free me from my self-imposed bondage so I can serve You!

***I just found a great Russian proverb/saying that roughly translates to:
Fasting doesn't kill, but gluttony does.

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