26 October 2009

This is the day that the Lord has made

Will I rejoice and be glad in it?

If I can make it through today without eating an entire cake I can do anything.

I've been antsy all day - wanting food to be my fix. I've said 'no' for the most part (although I ate my lunch from home before I was at a 0). I just got off the phone with a justifiably angry person. I could do nothing for her, unfortunately, but listen. It was really rough on me. I got off the phone and started crying. I think it was a combination of anxiousness all day (that I didn't numb with food) and being verbally assaulted over the phone.

Phew (imagine me wiping my brow).

I am no officially very hungry. I am totally justified in eating up to a 5. Even if I chose to eat cake :)

Praise be to the Lord, our Father, and Jesus Christ, His Son.

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